Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


BMI bei Kraftsportlern und Bodybuildern

BMI in Strength Athletes and Bodybuilders

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is designed to indicate whether a person is of normal weight, overweight, or underweight. However, this measurement is only partially accurate for power athletes. Learn...

Alexandra Wiesinger

BMI in Strength Athletes and Bodybuilders

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is designed to indicate whether a person is of normal weight, overweight, or underweight. However, this measurement is only partially accurate for power athletes. Learn...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Sport für Darmgesundheit - Welches Training tut dem Darm gut?

Exercise for Intestinal Health – What Types of ...

Those who are more active should, therefore, stimulate digestion and thus support their muscles and bacterial flora. The following article explains what you should pay special attention to during training...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Exercise for Intestinal Health – What Types of ...

Those who are more active should, therefore, stimulate digestion and thus support their muscles and bacterial flora. The following article explains what you should pay special attention to during training...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Wie kann ich mein schwaches Immunsystem wieder aufbauen?

How Can I Rebuild My Weak Immune System?

Health is our greatest asset. We are particularly aware of this in times of the corona pandemic. To strengthen your immune system, you can exercise regularly, get sun every day...

Alexandra Wiesinger

How Can I Rebuild My Weak Immune System?

Health is our greatest asset. We are particularly aware of this in times of the corona pandemic. To strengthen your immune system, you can exercise regularly, get sun every day...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
10 Porridge Rezepte ohne Zuckerzusatz

10 Porridge Recipes Without Added Sugar

Breakfast is important so that you start the day full of energy and fit. You shouldn't just eat any breakfast, but a healthy, preferably sugar-free breakfast. Does that sound boring...

Alexandra Wiesinger

10 Porridge Recipes Without Added Sugar

Breakfast is important so that you start the day full of energy and fit. You shouldn't just eat any breakfast, but a healthy, preferably sugar-free breakfast. Does that sound boring...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
So gesund ist Porridge wirklich

Is Porridge Really That Healthy?

For many, breakfast is an integral part of their morning routine. Among the numerous breakfast classics, porridge has also gained popularity. However, few people know that warm oatmeal, contrary to...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Is Porridge Really That Healthy?

For many, breakfast is an integral part of their morning routine. Among the numerous breakfast classics, porridge has also gained popularity. However, few people know that warm oatmeal, contrary to...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
“Zuckerfrei”, “zuckerarm”, “ohne Zuckerzusatz” - Was bedeuten diese Angaben bei Produkten?

"Sugar-free," "low-sugar," and "without added s...

Because “sugar-free” does not mean completely free of sugar, “no added sugar” does not necessarily mean that a product contains no sugar and “low-sugar” products are to be seen solely...

Alexandra Wiesinger

"Sugar-free," "low-sugar," and "without added s...

Because “sugar-free” does not mean completely free of sugar, “no added sugar” does not necessarily mean that a product contains no sugar and “low-sugar” products are to be seen solely...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Zuckerfreies Porridge – gesund und trotzdem lecker

Sugar-Free Porridge – Healthy Yet Delicious

Warm, delicious, savory or sweet: you can enjoy porridge in any way as a sugar-free breakfast. Dried fruits are a valuable and nutritious ingredient that is often added to porridge....

Alexandra Wiesinger

Sugar-Free Porridge – Healthy Yet Delicious

Warm, delicious, savory or sweet: you can enjoy porridge in any way as a sugar-free breakfast. Dried fruits are a valuable and nutritious ingredient that is often added to porridge....

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Makronährstoffe - was du darüber wissen solltest

Macronutrients – What You Should Know About Them

Macronutrients are important building blocks for our bodies. The distribution of macronutrients plays a crucial role in this. You probably know them as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In this article,...

Nicolas Dworak

Macronutrients – What You Should Know About Them

Macronutrients are important building blocks for our bodies. The distribution of macronutrients plays a crucial role in this. You probably know them as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In this article,...

Nicolas Dworak
Chia Samen - Die Geschichte der Salvia Hispanica

Chia Seeds – The History of Salvia Hispanica

Did you know that healthy chia seeds are the fruits of a Mexican sage plant? In this article, we'll share some interesting facts about the history and origins of Mexican...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Chia Seeds – The History of Salvia Hispanica

Did you know that healthy chia seeds are the fruits of a Mexican sage plant? In this article, we'll share some interesting facts about the history and origins of Mexican...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Immunsystem stärken - Welches Obst und Früchte sind gut für den Körper?

Strengthening the Immune System – Which Fruits ...

The cells of our immune system must be constantly reproduced so that they can adequately protect our organism. Especially vitamin C found in citrus fruits and pomegranates, as well as...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Strengthening the Immune System – Which Fruits ...

The cells of our immune system must be constantly reproduced so that they can adequately protect our organism. Especially vitamin C found in citrus fruits and pomegranates, as well as...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Das Immunsystem - wie die Abwehrkräfte des Körpers funktionieren

Immune System – How the Body's Defenses Work

Without the protection of your immune system, you would be in constant danger to your life: you are constantly exposed to germs, regardless of whether you touch, inhale, or ingest...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Immune System – How the Body's Defenses Work

Without the protection of your immune system, you would be in constant danger to your life: you are constantly exposed to germs, regardless of whether you touch, inhale, or ingest...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Chia Samen - optimal auch im Training und Sport

Chia Seeds – What Does This Superfood Do for Tr...

Chia seeds are true all-rounders. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, provide a lot of protein and fiber, and can be easily combined with many other great foods. The...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Chia Seeds – What Does This Superfood Do for Tr...

Chia seeds are true all-rounders. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, provide a lot of protein and fiber, and can be easily combined with many other great foods. The...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Wie viel Chia Samen pro Tag?

How many chia seeds should be consumed per day?

Chia seeds are rightly considered a superfood. These powerful seeds are high in fiber and boast a significant content of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, they contain essential nutrients...

Alexandra Wiesinger

How many chia seeds should be consumed per day?

Chia seeds are rightly considered a superfood. These powerful seeds are high in fiber and boast a significant content of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, they contain essential nutrients...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was du vor dem Sport essen solltest

When and what should I eat before exercising?

Eating right before exercise plays an important role in your training success, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or maximize your endurance. Here, you can find out when...

Alexandra Wiesinger

When and what should I eat before exercising?

Eating right before exercise plays an important role in your training success, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or maximize your endurance. Here, you can find out when...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Mehr Energie für deinen Sport durch ein gesundes Frühstück

More Energy and Power Through a Healthy Sports ...

An ideal sports nutrition plan and the right breakfast make a decisive contribution to starting the day with more energy and power. In this post, you will learn about the...

Alexandra Wiesinger

More Energy and Power Through a Healthy Sports ...

An ideal sports nutrition plan and the right breakfast make a decisive contribution to starting the day with more energy and power. In this post, you will learn about the...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Stoffwechsel durch Sport und Ernährung ankurbeln

Boosting Metabolism Through Exercise & Nutritio...

Boosting the metabolism – that's what matters. But what is meant by the term metabolism? Most often, it is equated with sports, the ideal diet, weight loss, or dieting. However,...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Boosting Metabolism Through Exercise & Nutritio...

Boosting the metabolism – that's what matters. But what is meant by the term metabolism? Most often, it is equated with sports, the ideal diet, weight loss, or dieting. However,...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was passiert, wenn man zu viel Chia Samen isst?

What Happens If You Eat Too Many Chia Seeds?

The nutrient-rich chia seeds are very healthy and have numerous positive effects on the body. Digestion, in particular, benefits from the swelling power of these small black seeds. However, it...

Alexandra Wiesinger

What Happens If You Eat Too Many Chia Seeds?

The nutrient-rich chia seeds are very healthy and have numerous positive effects on the body. Digestion, in particular, benefits from the swelling power of these small black seeds. However, it...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Kann man Chia Samen roh essen?

Can You Eat Chia Seeds Raw?

Chia seeds come from the plant known to botanists as Salvia hispanica. They originally hail from Mexico and Latin America before making their way to Europe. In their native region,...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Can You Eat Chia Seeds Raw?

Chia seeds come from the plant known to botanists as Salvia hispanica. They originally hail from Mexico and Latin America before making their way to Europe. In their native region,...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger