Healthy lifestyle

A healthy and balanced life starts with a healthy diet, physical activity and relaxation in everyday life. Here we show you how to achieve a healthy diet, how to integrate sport and exercise into your daily routine and how to live a more balanced life.

Healthy lifestyle

Darmkur zum Aufbau der Darmflora - Das musst du wissen und beachten

Intestinal cure to build up the intestinal flor...

A gut cleanse can help to balance your gut flora and promote your health. With probiotics and prebiotics, you can strengthen the good bacteria in your gut. A high-fiber diet,...

Dominik Wendl

Intestinal cure to build up the intestinal flor...

A gut cleanse can help to balance your gut flora and promote your health. With probiotics and prebiotics, you can strengthen the good bacteria in your gut. A high-fiber diet,...

Dominik Wendl
Darmsanierung - diese Vorteile hat eine Darmkur mit Probiotika

Intestinal cleansing – the benefits of a course...

A gut cleanse with probiotics strengthens your gut flora and improves your health. Foods like oats, psyllium, chia, and flaxseeds can effectively support your digestion. These fiber-rich ingredients promote good...

Dominik Wendl

Intestinal cleansing – the benefits of a course...

A gut cleanse with probiotics strengthens your gut flora and improves your health. Foods like oats, psyllium, chia, and flaxseeds can effectively support your digestion. These fiber-rich ingredients promote good...

Dominik Wendl
säurebildende Lebensmittel vermeiden

An overview of acid-forming foods: You should a...

Acid-forming foods often contradict an alkaline diet, which promotes well-being and supports the acid-base balance. But which foods should you avoid on an alkaline diet? In this article, you will...

Nadine Palmetshofer

An overview of acid-forming foods: You should a...

Acid-forming foods often contradict an alkaline diet, which promotes well-being and supports the acid-base balance. But which foods should you avoid on an alkaline diet? In this article, you will...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Basische Ernährung – Alles, was du darüber wissen musst

Alkaline nutrition – everything you need to know

More and more people are interested in alkaline nutrition as a way to improve their health and increase their well-being. But what is behind this nutritional trend, and what scientific...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Alkaline nutrition – everything you need to know

More and more people are interested in alkaline nutrition as a way to improve their health and increase their well-being. But what is behind this nutritional trend, and what scientific...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Low FODMAP Diät – Liste und Übersicht über Low FODMAP Lebensmittel

Low FODMAP diet – list and overview of low FODM...

Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome could benefit from the low FODMAP diet. This diet is designed to alleviate digestive discomfort by reducing the amount of hard-to-digest carbohydrates. In...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Low FODMAP diet – list and overview of low FODM...

Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome could benefit from the low FODMAP diet. This diet is designed to alleviate digestive discomfort by reducing the amount of hard-to-digest carbohydrates. In...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Low Fodmap Lebensmittel

Low FODMAP foods – these foods are low in FODMAPs

Digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal pain and discomfort can significantly affect your daily life. The low FODMAP diet is considered by many to be a helpful approach to alleviating...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Low FODMAP foods – these foods are low in FODMAPs

Digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal pain and discomfort can significantly affect your daily life. The low FODMAP diet is considered by many to be a helpful approach to alleviating...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Basische Lebensmittel im Überblick: Haferflocken und mehr

An overview of alkaline foods: oats and more

The alkaline diet is becoming more and more popular because it aims to support the acid-base balance in the body. You can boost your general well-being with a balanced diet...

Alexandra Wiesinger

An overview of alkaline foods: oats and more

The alkaline diet is becoming more and more popular because it aims to support the acid-base balance in the body. You can boost your general well-being with a balanced diet...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Low Fodmap Diät - Diese Lebensmittel sollte man vermeiden

Low FODMAP diet – Foods to avoid

The low FODMAP diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive disorders. We will show you which 7...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Low FODMAP diet – Foods to avoid

The low FODMAP diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive disorders. We will show you which 7...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Zu meidende Lebensmittel bei hohem Cholesterin

13 foods to avoid with high cholesterol

If your cholesterol level is too high, you can swap some foods in your diet. In this article, we'll tell you about 13 foods you should avoid if you want...

Alexandra Wiesinger

13 foods to avoid with high cholesterol

If your cholesterol level is too high, you can swap some foods in your diet. In this article, we'll tell you about 13 foods you should avoid if you want...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
ldl cholesterin senken

How can I lower my LDL cholesterol?

A healthy heart starts with managing cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein. Excess levels of this “bad” cholesterol can clog arteries and increase the risk of...

Nadine Palmetshofer

How can I lower my LDL cholesterol?

A healthy heart starts with managing cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein. Excess levels of this “bad” cholesterol can clog arteries and increase the risk of...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Gut flora – definition, function and significance

The intestinal flora, a fascinating microbiome in the digestive tract, plays a central role in our health. Its functions influence digestion, the immune system, metabolism and even neurological diseases. With...

Dominik Wendl

Gut flora – definition, function and significance

The intestinal flora, a fascinating microbiome in the digestive tract, plays a central role in our health. Its functions influence digestion, the immune system, metabolism and even neurological diseases. With...

Dominik Wendl
Welche Lebensmittel sind gut für das Mikrobiom?

Which foods are good for the microbiome?

The microbiome – also known as gut flora – is a complex community of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that live in our intestines. In this article, we will look...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Which foods are good for the microbiome?

The microbiome – also known as gut flora – is a complex community of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that live in our intestines. In this article, we will look...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger

Probiotics – natural support for your intestina...

Probiotics have become more and more important in recent years because they play a very important role in intestinal health. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Probiotics – natural support for your intestina...

Probiotics have become more and more important in recent years because they play a very important role in intestinal health. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Mikrobiom im Darm - Was du wissen solltest!

Gut microbiome – What you should know!

The microbiome in the gut plays a crucial role in our health and has a variety of functions. This article will tell you more about it.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Gut microbiome – What you should know!

The microbiome in the gut plays a crucial role in our health and has a variety of functions. This article will tell you more about it.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Darmflora stärken

Strengthening the intestinal flora: tips for he...

Strengthening the intestinal flora is an important part of a healthy body. Everything in our bodies depends on our intestines. A healthy digestive system is also important for a healthy...

Dominik Wendl

Strengthening the intestinal flora: tips for he...

Strengthening the intestinal flora is an important part of a healthy body. Everything in our bodies depends on our intestines. A healthy digestive system is also important for a healthy...

Dominik Wendl
gestörte Darmflora

Disrupted intestinal flora: possible causes and...

A healthy gut flora is essential for us to feel completely comfortable and healthy throughout our lives. If the microbiome in the gut is disturbed, it can affect our well-being...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Disrupted intestinal flora: possible causes and...

A healthy gut flora is essential for us to feel completely comfortable and healthy throughout our lives. If the microbiome in the gut is disturbed, it can affect our well-being...

Nadine Palmetshofer

All About Prebiotics – How to Incorporate Prebi...

Prebiotics have a variety of health benefits, yet many are unaware of the beneficial effects of prebiotic foods. Prebiotics are essential for creating a healthy microbiome in our gut. You...

Nadine Palmetshofer

All About Prebiotics – How to Incorporate Prebi...

Prebiotics have a variety of health benefits, yet many are unaware of the beneficial effects of prebiotic foods. Prebiotics are essential for creating a healthy microbiome in our gut. You...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Nährstoffdichte - Das musst du darüber wissen

Nutrient Density – What You Need to Know

The term “nutrient density” crops up again and again in nutrition blogs. It is said to be an important indicator for healthy food and also indispensable for a healthy diet....

Nicolas Dworak

Nutrient Density – What You Need to Know

The term “nutrient density” crops up again and again in nutrition blogs. It is said to be an important indicator for healthy food and also indispensable for a healthy diet....

Nicolas Dworak