Who doesn't know it? You get up in the morning, and the circulation goes crazy. You stagger into the bathroom, get ready for work, and even at work, the circulation is not yet fully revved up. Such circulatory problems, especially in the morning, affect many of us.
A common cause of circulatory problems is low blood pressure, which can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and nausea. In this blog post, we will give you 4 tips on how to strengthen your circulation and get it going . For circulatory problems, exercise, alternating showers, acupuncture, or an ideal sports diet can help. The latter, of course, is best with our breakfast products.
What exactly is circulation?
The bloodstream is there to supply all the cells of our body with nutrients and oxygen . It consists, on the one hand, of the heart and, on the other hand, of blood vessels that extend throughout the body. There are two main types of blood vessels: arteries flow away from the heart, and veins flow back to the heart. The most important blood vessel is the so-called main artery or aorta. The total length of all blood vessels in a human being is approximately 100,000 km. The blood circulation is divided into the large body circulation and the small lung circulation.

What could be possible causes of circulatory problems?
Circulatory problems can often be attributed to low blood pressure. As a result, blood flow to the brain deteriorates, leading to insufficient oxygen supply.
Lack of exercise
– The most common trigger for low blood pressure is prolonged sitting. If you sit all day, you are understretching your cardiovascular system. This slows down its response in stressful situations. If you then get up abruptly, the circulation "does not follow" and is overwhelmed in the short term.
Unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol
– Various other health-impairing behaviors can also lead to low blood pressure. These include smoking, alcohol, drugs, an unhealthy diet, lavish meals, being overweight, as well as stress and other psychological complaints.
– People who react strongly to the weather also often suffer from circulatory weakness. This is especially noticeable during temperature fluctuations in spring or autumn, or on very hot summer days. Weather-sensitive individuals particularly experience circulatory problems at these times.
Getting up quickly
– Jumping out of bed in the morning can be hard on your body. Orthostatic hypotension describes the low blood pressure caused by standing up too quickly. When you get up from lying down, the blood briefly flows into your legs before it can be pumped back up.
Standing for a long
time – Even standing for extended periods can lead to low blood pressure.
Excessive exercise during sports
– Not only can insufficient exercise, but also excessive exercise throw the circulation out of balance.
– Various medications, such as those for depression or high blood pressure, can also influence blood pressure.
– Finally, there may also be underlying diseases associated with circulatory complaints, such as cardiovascular conditions, hypothyroidism, or varicose veins.
What are the symptoms of circulatory problems?
We already understand that low blood pressure means insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. But what symptoms can this lead to? Circulatory problems describe all complaints related to circulation and heart , inclusive of dizziness, weakness, fatigue, general impairment of consciousness, and sweating. Problems like eye fibrillation or blackouts can occur suddenly. Circulatory weakness can also lead to rapid chills, cold hands and feet, and pale skin.
How can I strengthen my circulation?
– The best remedy for circulatory problems is exercise. Insufficient physical activity is one of the leading causes of these issues. Physical activities stimulate metabolism and circulation. It is best to integrate movement into your daily routine. Even in the morning, starting the day with gymnastics exercises in bed can be beneficial. Anyone who practices yoga before work, rides a bike to work, or chooses the stairs over the escalator will reap the benefits of improved circulation.
We also advise staying active at work. For example, consider visiting your colleagues instead of texting them, getting coffee from the kitchen, and if possible, using a height-adjustable desk. Ergonomic office chairs also contribute positively.
The most crucial thing for the circulatory system is to exercise periodically. We especially recommend exercising outdoors. When engaging in physical activity, it’s important not to overdo it and to provide your body with the necessary breaks. Exercising outdoors, especially during winter, requires some determination. Here, you can find tips on how to optimize your outdoor exercise in the cold season .
Endurance sports, such as running or swimming, and activities that enhance responsiveness, such as tennis, are particularly advantageous against circulatory problems. Yoga and other relaxation exercises also stabilizing effects on our circulation.
It's important to mention that while you should start your day actively, you should avoid jumping up at the first sound of the alarm. Instead, it makes sense to sit up slowly, stretch, or sit briefly at the edge of the bed.
– Just as muscles require training, circulation does too. Alternating between hot and cold showers is beneficial. Warm showers expand blood vessels, while cold showers constrict them. A morning change shower can work wonders for circulatory issues. If preferred, hot and cold foot baths will also aid circulation. Visits to the sauna can also stimulate circulation.
– You can also support circulation through your diet. It is essential to stay hydrated, preferably with water or tea, and avoid sodas or sweetened drinks. Aim to drink 2-3 liters per day. Increasing your fluid intake should contribute to raising your blood pressure. Ensuring a healthy breakfast every day is crucial because
breakfast is the most important meal of the day
It is virtually mandatory for a
balanced and healthy diet
Our mueslis
and porridges can assist you
Another remedy for circulatory problems is salt. Salt retains fluids in the body, thereby raising blood pressure. A salted breakfast can therefore help alleviate circulatory issues in the morning.
Alcohol and other addictive substances should, of course, be avoided. Consuming smaller meals can also strengthen circulation. Coffee is not recommended, as it may temporarily boost circulation but will subsequently lower it even further than before; the same applies to energy drinks or sparkling wine.
– Acupressure, or acupuncture massage, involves applying pressure to various body parts using thumbs, elbows, the ball of the hand, or other tools. These points are called meridians, through which our life energy, the Qi/Chi, flows. This process releases energy and boosts our self-healing capabilities.
Acupressure is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has its origins in China spanning over the last 2,000 years. An important aspect of TCM is also the 5-element diet . We have developed three finely balanced, delicious porridge varieties according to the 5-element nutrition principle . These include our sour cherry-cocoa oat porridge , our coconut-orange rice porridge , and our apricot-strawberry spelt porridge .

What can I do in case of acute circulatory problems?
Now we would like to offer some tips that you can use if you experience acute circulatory problems and want to address them quickly. To avoid falling over in case of dizziness, we advise you to lie down and elevate your legs first. This effectively resolves acute circulatory issues, as it allows blood to flow back to the heart more swiftly.
Since circulatory weakness is often associated with dehydration, it is also wise to drink plenty of fluids. As noted earlier, consuming something salty can be beneficial. Lastly, cold stimuli, such as cold water or a cold washcloth, can also help.
Unfortunately, there may also be a more severe condition underlying circulatory problems. Therefore, we recommend consulting a doctor if circulatory issues persist.
You can learn more about a healthy diet, which is particularly important for circulatory problems, here.
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