Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


gesundes Porridge Frühstück

Porridge Boom: Why Porridge is So Popular Now

Porridge not only tastes good but can also be prepared quickly. Thanks to its optimal composition of nutrients, including protein, various vitamins, and complex carbohydrates, porridge is the ideal choice...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Porridge Boom: Why Porridge is So Popular Now

Porridge not only tastes good but can also be prepared quickly. Thanks to its optimal composition of nutrients, including protein, various vitamins, and complex carbohydrates, porridge is the ideal choice...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Bircher Müsli - die traditionellen Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats – The Modern Bircher Muesli

As a widespread trend in food, the so-called overnight oats have been enriching our breakfast tables for some time now. Learn more!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Overnight Oats – The Modern Bircher Muesli

As a widespread trend in food, the so-called overnight oats have been enriching our breakfast tables for some time now. Learn more!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
5 Tipps für ein gesundes Frühstück

Eating a Healthy Breakfast: 5 Tips for a Better...

You should pay special attention to a healthy breakfast because it is the foundation for a successful day.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Eating a Healthy Breakfast: 5 Tips for a Better...

You should pay special attention to a healthy breakfast because it is the foundation for a successful day.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Kann man Porridge auch am Abend essen?

Can you eat porridge in the evening as well?

Oatmeal "power breakfast" raises health and enhances individual beauty. So why not enjoy porridge for dinner as well? Read more about it!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Can you eat porridge in the evening as well?

Oatmeal "power breakfast" raises health and enhances individual beauty. So why not enjoy porridge for dinner as well? Read more about it!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
10 Tipps wie du Müll vermeiden kannst

10 Tips to Avoid Waste

We all know that it is important for the environment to avoid waste. What sounds complicated, however, is not. In this blog post, we will introduce you to simple methods...

Katrin Atzlinger

10 Tips to Avoid Waste

We all know that it is important for the environment to avoid waste. What sounds complicated, however, is not. In this blog post, we will introduce you to simple methods...

Katrin Atzlinger
Wie kann man das Bircher Müsli selber machen?

How can you make Bircher Muesli yourself?

A healthy breakfast that keeps you full for a long time and provides you with enough energy. Learn more about the variations of Bircher Muesli!

Alexandra Wiesinger

How can you make Bircher Muesli yourself?

A healthy breakfast that keeps you full for a long time and provides you with enough energy. Learn more about the variations of Bircher Muesli!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Bircher Müsli das beste Müsli der Welt?

Bircher Muesli: The Best Muesli in the World?

It is probably precisely this connection between an ideal supply of important nutrients to the body and the simple production process that makes Bircher muesli the best muesli in the...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Bircher Muesli: The Best Muesli in the World?

It is probably precisely this connection between an ideal supply of important nutrients to the body and the simple production process that makes Bircher muesli the best muesli in the...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Das Power Frühstück aus dem Glas - Overnight Oats

The Power Breakfast in a Glass – Overnight Oats...

Who doesn't like to start the day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast? Overnight Oats – read more now!

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Power Breakfast in a Glass – Overnight Oats...

Who doesn't like to start the day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast? Overnight Oats – read more now!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner - der Erfinder des Bircher Müsli

Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Brenner – the inventor...

Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner, Max Bircher-Benner for short, was the inventor and developer of Bircher muesli.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Brenner – the inventor...

Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner, Max Bircher-Benner for short, was the inventor and developer of Bircher muesli.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Die Geschichte des Bircher Müsli

The History of Bircher Müesli

Bircher Müsli – The successful mixture of delicious and digestible ingredients convinces the masses worldwide. Learn more about the story!

Alexandra Wiesinger

The History of Bircher Müesli

Bircher Müsli – The successful mixture of delicious and digestible ingredients convinces the masses worldwide. Learn more about the story!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Ist Hafer glutenfrei?

Are oats actually gluten-free?

If you want to learn more about the superfood oats, you will inevitably come across the question of whether oats contain gluten or not. Opinions on this question differ, and...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Are oats actually gluten-free?

If you want to learn more about the superfood oats, you will inevitably come across the question of whether oats contain gluten or not. Opinions on this question differ, and...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Gute oder schlechte Kohlenhydrate – so erkennst du den Unterschied

Good or Bad Carbs – How to Tell the Difference

Nowadays, carbohydrates are often seen as something negative and labeled as "fattening." However, this is a very one-sided view because carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the human...

Nicolas Dworak

Good or Bad Carbs – How to Tell the Difference

Nowadays, carbohydrates are often seen as something negative and labeled as "fattening." However, this is a very one-sided view because carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the human...

Nicolas Dworak
Unterschied Overnight Oats und Porridge

Difference Between Overnight Oats and Porridge

Porridge and overnight oats are actually the same thing, right? – Somehow yes and someway not. In any case, both are popular breakfast dishes that not only taste delicious but...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Difference Between Overnight Oats and Porridge

Porridge and overnight oats are actually the same thing, right? – Somehow yes and someway not. In any case, both are popular breakfast dishes that not only taste delicious but...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Gesundes Frühstück über Nacht: Overnight Oats

Healthy Overnight Breakfast: Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are high in fiber, full of minerals and vitamins, and contribute to a healthy diet. Find out more now!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Healthy Overnight Breakfast: Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are high in fiber, full of minerals and vitamins, and contribute to a healthy diet. Find out more now!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
TCM und Ayurveda Tee

TCM and Ayurveda in Comparison – They Have That...

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is Yin and Yang; in Ayurveda, it is the three doshas. Sometimes one prevails, and sometimes the other. Although the philosophies of the two...

Nadine Palmetshofer

TCM and Ayurveda in Comparison – They Have That...

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is Yin and Yang; in Ayurveda, it is the three doshas. Sometimes one prevails, and sometimes the other. Although the philosophies of the two...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Leinsaat: die kleinen Wundersamen

Flaxseed: The Little Miracle Seeds

Flaxseed is currently very popular with many people. Flax seeds are used universally - whether in a healthy breakfast or other dishes, they are added everywhere. Flax seeds are now...

Dominik Wendl

Flaxseed: The Little Miracle Seeds

Flaxseed is currently very popular with many people. Flax seeds are used universally - whether in a healthy breakfast or other dishes, they are added everywhere. Flax seeds are now...

Dominik Wendl
low carb ernaehrung

Low-Carb Diets: Dangerous or Sensible?

Whether as a diet to lose a few kilos or as a long-term nutritional concept, low carb is already on everyone's lips. However, the approach requires you to think intensively...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Low-Carb Diets: Dangerous or Sensible?

Whether as a diet to lose a few kilos or as a long-term nutritional concept, low carb is already on everyone's lips. However, the approach requires you to think intensively...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Ist Frühstück vor oder nach dem Training besser?

Is breakfast better before or after exercise?

Have you ever wondered whether having breakfast before or after exercise makes more sense? As with many questions, there is not just one right answer. Essentially, it depends on the...

Nicolas Dworak

Is breakfast better before or after exercise?

Have you ever wondered whether having breakfast before or after exercise makes more sense? As with many questions, there is not just one right answer. Essentially, it depends on the...

Nicolas Dworak