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Bulgur wheat

Bulgur wheat

Bulgur, also known as pilpil, is soaked, cooked durum wheat which is then air-dried and coarsely milled. As a result of this preparatory treatment, it can be quickly prepared, goes a long way and can be stored for a long period. A traditional food from the Near East that has been known for centuries. Bulgur is particularly suitable as a side dish, for adding to soup or in soufflés.

Regular price 35 SEK
Regular price Sale price 35 SEK
Unit price 70 SEK  per  1000g
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SKU: 312150

Product details

Bulgur, also known as Pilpil, is soaked and cooked durum wheat that is then dried in the air and coarsely crushed. It is particularly suitable as a side dish, for soups or casseroles.

Nutritional values ​​& ingredients

100% full grain durum wheat*.
*) Certified organic

May contain traces of nuts, sesame seeds and soy.
Packed in a protective atmosphere.
Store in a cool, dry place.

Nährwerttabelle (Angaben pro 100g)

Brennwert in Kilojoule 1,440 kJ
Brennwert in Kilokalorien 341 kcal
Fett 2 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1 g
Kohlenhydrate 63 g
davon Zucker 1 g
Ballaststoffe 10 g
Eiweiß 12 g
Salz 0 g


Use: as a soup ingredient, for casseroles topped with vegetables and grated cheese, or as a side dish or salad. Basic recipe: add 120 g bulgur and 1 tsp salt to 450 ml boiling water, simmer for about 13 minutes, turn off the plate and leave to swell, covered, for 3 minutes.

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