Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


Mindesthaltbarkeit bei Müsli MHD

Best Before: Help! My Cereal Has Expired!

The best before date, or "best before" for short, has always been a significant topic of discussion among people. What happens if the date has passed? Will I get sick...

Dominik Wendl

Best Before: Help! My Cereal Has Expired!

The best before date, or "best before" for short, has always been a significant topic of discussion among people. What happens if the date has passed? Will I get sick...

Dominik Wendl
Haferflocken Entstehung

Oatmeal – Delicious Slimming Options

Oatmeal is a true all-rounder and contains important nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet. This article explains why an oat-based diet is ideal for weight loss and presents delicious...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oatmeal – Delicious Slimming Options

Oatmeal is a true all-rounder and contains important nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet. This article explains why an oat-based diet is ideal for weight loss and presents delicious...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Multitalent Mandeln

The Almond – Small All-Rounder with Great Impact

Whether brown, blanched, roasted, in splinters, as leaves, or whole, almonds are popular among many for their mildly sweet taste. But what makes the almond a small all-rounder? How is...

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Almond – Small All-Rounder with Great Impact

Whether brown, blanched, roasted, in splinters, as leaves, or whole, almonds are popular among many for their mildly sweet taste. But what makes the almond a small all-rounder? How is...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Porridge mit der Mikrowelle - Lust auf gesundes Frühstück?

Fast Microwave Porridge – Vegan and Sugar-Free

Traditionally, oatmeal is cooked in a pot, but it's much easier to prepare it in the microwave. In this article, you will learn how to prepare quick porridge in the...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Fast Microwave Porridge – Vegan and Sugar-Free

Traditionally, oatmeal is cooked in a pot, but it's much easier to prepare it in the microwave. In this article, you will learn how to prepare quick porridge in the...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Cashews – darum gelten die Nüsse als wahres Superfood

Cashews: The Nuts Considered a True Superfood

No wonder cashews are so popular; they not only taste great but are also a real brain food. Whether for immediate snacking, as a topping on your breakfast, or for...

Katrin Atzlinger

Cashews: The Nuts Considered a True Superfood

No wonder cashews are so popular; they not only taste great but are also a real brain food. Whether for immediate snacking, as a topping on your breakfast, or for...

Katrin Atzlinger
Erdnüsse gesund

Everything You Need to Know About Peanuts

Whether pure, salted or in the form of peanut butter, almost everyone has probably enjoyed this food. But did you know that, strictly speaking, peanuts are not considered nuts at...

Nicolas Dworak

Everything You Need to Know About Peanuts

Whether pure, salted or in the form of peanut butter, almost everyone has probably enjoyed this food. But did you know that, strictly speaking, peanuts are not considered nuts at...

Nicolas Dworak
gesunde Haferflocken

Oatmeal – The Perfect Protein Supplier in Porridge

Oatmeal in all variations is an essential part of a healthy breakfast. The variety of preparation options is almost endless. Oatmeal also has an extremely positive side effect: it fills...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oatmeal – The Perfect Protein Supplier in Porridge

Oatmeal in all variations is an essential part of a healthy breakfast. The variety of preparation options is almost endless. Oatmeal also has an extremely positive side effect: it fills...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haselnüsse im Bircher Müsli Verival

The Hazelnut: A Small Nut with a Big Impact

In this blog post you will find out everything you need to know about hazelnuts. Find out what nutritional values ​​the hazelnut has, where it comes from, how healthy it...

Victoria Schwabl

The Hazelnut: A Small Nut with a Big Impact

In this blog post you will find out everything you need to know about hazelnuts. Find out what nutritional values ​​the hazelnut has, where it comes from, how healthy it...

Victoria Schwabl
Was ist Porridge?

What is Porridge?

The delicious oatmeal is a true power breakfast. Anyone who has ever tasted porridge will certainly appreciate its full-bodied flavor and the long-lasting feeling of satiety. When prepared correctly, porridge...

Alexandra Wiesinger

What is Porridge?

The delicious oatmeal is a true power breakfast. Anyone who has ever tasted porridge will certainly appreciate its full-bodied flavor and the long-lasting feeling of satiety. When prepared correctly, porridge...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Overnight Oats Grundrezept Anleitung

The Overnight Oats: Basic Recipe Guide

Overnight oats are the perfect breakfast for morning people! You can find how to easily prepare the oats and tips for more overnight oats recipes here!

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Overnight Oats: Basic Recipe Guide

Overnight oats are the perfect breakfast for morning people! You can find how to easily prepare the oats and tips for more overnight oats recipes here!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Nüsse und ihre Nährstoffe – darum sind sie so gesund

Nuts and Their Nutrients – That's Why They're S...

Nuts are excellent suppliers of nutrients. They not only provide us with healthy fats, but also a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Therefore, they should not be missing...

Nicolas Dworak

Nuts and Their Nutrients – That's Why They're S...

Nuts are excellent suppliers of nutrients. They not only provide us with healthy fats, but also a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Therefore, they should not be missing...

Nicolas Dworak
Chia Samen Nebenwirkungen

Do Chia Seeds Have Side Effects?

They offer many health benefits and are therefore considered a superfood. But in addition to their numerous positive properties, do the small black seeds also have side effects? You can...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Do Chia Seeds Have Side Effects?

They offer many health benefits and are therefore considered a superfood. But in addition to their numerous positive properties, do the small black seeds also have side effects? You can...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
6 Gründe für Chia Samen

6 Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds Regularly

In this post, you will learn six reasons why southern seeds are so healthy and why they should regularly be included in your menu.

Alexandra Wiesinger

6 Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds Regularly

In this post, you will learn six reasons why southern seeds are so healthy and why they should regularly be included in your menu.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Porridge selber machen

Making Porridge Yourself – It's That Easy

Not only for the English, but a fresh porridge is now part of breakfast. This delicious porridge has long since become an international breakfast classic, and you can easily prepare...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Making Porridge Yourself – It's That Easy

Not only for the English, but a fresh porridge is now part of breakfast. This delicious porridge has long since become an international breakfast classic, and you can easily prepare...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Frau isst gesundes Porridge

How Healthy Is Porridge for Breakfast?

Are you looking for a healthy and filling breakfast? Then a porridge might be just the thing for you.

Alexandra Wiesinger

How Healthy Is Porridge for Breakfast?

Are you looking for a healthy and filling breakfast? Then a porridge might be just the thing for you.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken Entstehung

How Do Oatmeal Flakes Form?

We all know porridge as an end product, but few know how oatmeal is actually made. Learn all about the origins of oatmeal!

Alexandra Wiesinger

How Do Oatmeal Flakes Form?

We all know porridge as an end product, but few know how oatmeal is actually made. Learn all about the origins of oatmeal!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken - Das heimische Superfood

Oatmeal – The Local Superfood

There is hardly another superfood that has comparable nutrients and is available everywhere in Europe at such a low price – oatmeal!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oatmeal – The Local Superfood

There is hardly another superfood that has comparable nutrients and is available everywhere in Europe at such a low price – oatmeal!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was kann man aus Haferflocken alles zubereiten?

What Meals Can Be Prepared from Oatmeal?

High-quality oatmeal contains a high proportion of carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, soluble fiber, and many other vitamins. Read all about it now!

Alexandra Wiesinger

What Meals Can Be Prepared from Oatmeal?

High-quality oatmeal contains a high proportion of carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, soluble fiber, and many other vitamins. Read all about it now!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger