Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


Chia Samen zubereiten

Chia Seeds: How to Prepare the Power Grains!

It should be clear by now that chia seeds are an indispensable superfood. However, many people ask themselves: How do you prepare chia seeds? You can find out exactly how...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Chia Seeds: How to Prepare the Power Grains!

It should be clear by now that chia seeds are an indispensable superfood. However, many people ask themselves: How do you prepare chia seeds? You can find out exactly how...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Chia Samen Wirkung

What Do Chia Seeds Do in the Body?

The chia plant originally comes from Mexico and is now considered a superfood. But what effects do chia seeds have on the body, and how can chia improve your health?...

Alexandra Wiesinger

What Do Chia Seeds Do in the Body?

The chia plant originally comes from Mexico and is now considered a superfood. But what effects do chia seeds have on the body, and how can chia improve your health?...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
gesunde Haferflocken

All-Rounder Oats – What You Should Know About Oats

A healthy breakfast ensures a good start to the day. Oatmeal is packed with beneficial nutrients that can help improve your health. You can discover exactly what makes oats so...

Alexandra Wiesinger

All-Rounder Oats – What You Should Know About Oats

A healthy breakfast ensures a good start to the day. Oatmeal is packed with beneficial nutrients that can help improve your health. You can discover exactly what makes oats so...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Das Vitamin B12 - warum du alles darüber wissen solltest!

Vitamin B12: What Foods Contain It, What It Doe...

Vitamin B12 plays a particularly important role in our diet; however, it is not included in all foods. Hardly any other vitamin has such a strong influence on our well-being...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Vitamin B12: What Foods Contain It, What It Doe...

Vitamin B12 plays a particularly important role in our diet; however, it is not included in all foods. Hardly any other vitamin has such a strong influence on our well-being...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Porridge gesundes Hafer Frühstück

Porridge – the pure power of oats

Porridge, porridge, oatmeal – the world-famous cereal dish is known by many names. What oatmeal has in common, however, is that it is full of nutrients. If you are interested...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Porridge – the pure power of oats

Porridge, porridge, oatmeal – the world-famous cereal dish is known by many names. What oatmeal has in common, however, is that it is full of nutrients. If you are interested...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Chia-Samen auf Holzloeffel

Vegan Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds (the seeds from the plant "Salvia Hispanica") contain many nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial for our bodies. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, these superfoods also provide...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Vegan Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds (the seeds from the plant "Salvia Hispanica") contain many nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial for our bodies. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, these superfoods also provide...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Walnuss - Superfood fürs Gehirn

That's why walnuts are a healthy superfood for ...

In this blog post, you will learn where walnuts come from, how they grow and are harvested. In addition, we will explain what nutrients are contained in walnuts and why...

Alexandra Wiesinger

That's why walnuts are a healthy superfood for ...

In this blog post, you will learn where walnuts come from, how they grow and are harvested. In addition, we will explain what nutrients are contained in walnuts and why...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger

Classic Scottish Porridge

The healthy oatmeal originally comes from Scotland and was considered a "poor man's meal". Meanwhile, porridge is making a comeback. Here is the original Scottish recipe and some tips on...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Classic Scottish Porridge

The healthy oatmeal originally comes from Scotland and was considered a "poor man's meal". Meanwhile, porridge is making a comeback. Here is the original Scottish recipe and some tips on...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger

6 Reasons Why Almonds Are Healthy

Not only are almonds healthy, but we would even call them a real superfood. They are full of important nutrients, keep you young, and are also considered secret weight loss...

Nadine Palmetshofer

6 Reasons Why Almonds Are Healthy

Not only are almonds healthy, but we would even call them a real superfood. They are full of important nutrients, keep you young, and are also considered secret weight loss...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Haferbrei zum mitnehmen - Overnight Oats

Porridge for On-the-Go – The Porridge to Take w...

You can easily take your healthy porridge breakfast with you or enjoy it on the go. We'll show you here exactly how this works and what makes porridge so healthy....

Alexandra Wiesinger

Porridge for On-the-Go – The Porridge to Take w...

You can easily take your healthy porridge breakfast with you or enjoy it on the go. We'll show you here exactly how this works and what makes porridge so healthy....

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferbrei im Topf

Where does the word "porridge" come from?

Porridge, translated as oatmeal, originally comes from Scotland. However, you can discover why porridge is called porridge and the origin of the word here.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Where does the word "porridge" come from?

Porridge, translated as oatmeal, originally comes from Scotland. However, you can discover why porridge is called porridge and the origin of the word here.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Bircher Müsli Haferflocken von Verival

Are Oatmeals Healthy? 6 Reasons for This

Oatmeal is a local superfood that provides you with numerous nutrients. Here are six compelling reasons why you should definitely include this grain in your diet.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Are Oatmeals Healthy? 6 Reasons for This

Oatmeal is a local superfood that provides you with numerous nutrients. Here are six compelling reasons why you should definitely include this grain in your diet.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Warum essen alle nur noch Porridge?

Why is everyone eating only porridge?

The answer is simple: porridge is healthy and easy to prepare! Oatmeal provides essential nutrients, giving you a nutritious, high-energy start to the day. Read more!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Why is everyone eating only porridge?

The answer is simple: porridge is healthy and easy to prepare! Oatmeal provides essential nutrients, giving you a nutritious, high-energy start to the day. Read more!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was ist gesünder – Gemüse oder Obst?

Which is Healthier – Vegetables or Fruits?

According to the Austrian Society for Nutrition, you should ideally eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Some people are more likely to grab fruit, while others prefer...

Victoria Schwabl

Which is Healthier – Vegetables or Fruits?

According to the Austrian Society for Nutrition, you should ideally eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Some people are more likely to grab fruit, while others prefer...

Victoria Schwabl

Lactose Intolerance – Everything You Need to Know

You can find out why so many people do not tolerate lactose, which causes lactose intolerance, and what to look out for if you are affected in this blog post.

Nicolas Dworak

Lactose Intolerance – Everything You Need to Know

You can find out why so many people do not tolerate lactose, which causes lactose intolerance, and what to look out for if you are affected in this blog post.

Nicolas Dworak
Ayurveda Pulsmessung

The Three Types of Ayurveda – Which One Are You?

Those who have a little experience with Ayurveda cannot overlook it: The three Ayurveda types (doshas) Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The so-called doshas are the three life energies present in...

Nadine Palmetshofer

The Three Types of Ayurveda – Which One Are You?

Those who have a little experience with Ayurveda cannot overlook it: The three Ayurveda types (doshas) Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The so-called doshas are the three life energies present in...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Lebensmittel richtig aufbewahren

Storing Food Properly – This Is How It Works

Storing food properly is an issue that concerns many people. Proper storage of everyday products primarily affects their shelf life. The better you store food, the longer you can use...

Dominik Wendl

Storing Food Properly – This Is How It Works

Storing food properly is an issue that concerns many people. Proper storage of everyday products primarily affects their shelf life. The better you store food, the longer you can use...

Dominik Wendl
Haferflocken: Nicht nur gesund zum Frühstück

Oatmeal: Not Only Healthy for Breakfast

A healthy diet featuring regional, sustainable, and yet affordable products is becoming increasingly important for many people. Discover why the diversity of our oats matters.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oatmeal: Not Only Healthy for Breakfast

A healthy diet featuring regional, sustainable, and yet affordable products is becoming increasingly important for many people. Discover why the diversity of our oats matters.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger